Thursday, October 31, 2019
Knowledge required for decision making in Adult Nursing Essay
Knowledge required for decision making in Adult Nursing - Essay Example Gill is a 50-year-old insulin dependant Diabetic. She was admitted to the ward via Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU). Gill was found on the floor after a fall, feeling drowsy, vague and confused and complaining ÃŽ ¿f abdo pain. After nursing hand-over, a multi-disciplinary team embarked on a strategy to assess, monitor and resolve Gills issues. Multi-disciplinary working is encouraged within the NHS Plan (2000) and is concerned with professional healthcare providers working together for the well-being ÃŽ ¿f the patient. (Castledine 1996) Gill was then admitted to the ward where a full nursing assessment took place and from here a plan ÃŽ ¿f care was prescribed and implemented. Further information was obtained from previous medical records. This revealed in 1998 Gill had a cerebral vascular accident (CVA) and recovered well. She was also diagnosed with alcohol liver disease (ALD) in April 2000 and diabetes 15 years ago. Gills observations on admission where taken so to provide a basis for any later comparisons. Her blood sugar glucose reading was 32.4 millimols per litre. The normal reading should be between 4-7 mmol/l before meals rising to no higher than 10 mmol/l two hours after meals ( A ward test urine was taken which showed glucose and protein were present. 1.Maintaining a safe environment - Gill had a nurse call bell and a patient identification wrist band. She was shown around the ward but increasing confusion and previous falls made it a priority to monitor Gill closely. 11. Eating and drinking - Gill explained that she drinks a lot ÃŽ ¿f tea and cola throughout they day but is often left still trying to quench her thirst, her favourite foods are chocolate and sweets. She tries to eat regular meals but often has little appetite. After the identification ÃŽ ¿f issues a plan ÃŽ ¿f care was documented. This is a
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Efficacy of the Ghanaian Democratic Experiment Essay Example for Free
The Efficacy of the Ghanaian Democratic Experiment Essay The hackneyed, yet apt and succinct, definition of Democracy by Abraham Lincoln as contained in the concluding part of his famous Gettysburg Address as ‘’†¦government of the people, by the people, for the people†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ remains today as the most quoted statement on Democracy. However, a careful examination of our democratic experiment leaves one to wonder if this definition perfectly encapsulates our experience. Our government is, granted, elected by the ordinary people, which bears testimony to the fact that we practise a form of democracy which is ‘’of the people’’. However, I contend that our form of government is not a government whose workings have, wholly, over the years, proven to be in the interest of the people. We are constantly saddled with the unfortunate and despicably capricious abrupt abrogation of government’s contracts shortly after a change from one democratically-elected head of state to another of different political persuasions. Our constitution, under The Directive Principles of State Policy, explicitly, states in Article 35, Clause (7) that, ‘’As far as practicable, a government shall continue and execute projects and programmes commenced by the previous Governments.’’ When a successive Government arbitrarily abrogates a contract, most of the time for political expediency, those who bear the brunt of this ill-advised action have always been the ordinary tax payer. Classic cases in point are the payments of judgment debts by the current and previous Governments, which were shrouded in some amount of secrecy until recent revelations. Governments engage in this reprehensible act in a sophomoric attempt to make their predecessors unpopular. Such a practice does not engender development, which democracy seeks to attain for all. Democracy must result in meaningful development for the populace, otherwise it is of no significance; we do not practise democracy just for the sake of it. It is to afford every single citizen a say in the way the country is governed, and, eventually, respond to their needs. I strongly believe this problem is, partly, caused by the lack of a common national development policy to guide our governments. The deep partisan nature of our politics makes it impossible for government and opposition parties to agree on a common development objectives. Our politics is characterised by the continual applause by Government for doing better than any government of the opposition and the continual representation of Government by the opposition parties for having done nothing. Sadly enough, this happens to be the case in most Western countries,too, and it always raises the question if we cannot adapt our democracy to our peculiar circumstances? For instance, I was surprised to hear that Mitt Romney, the presidential candidate of the Republican Party in the United States of America, who incidentally happened to be the person I was rooting for in last year’s American Presidential Election, imprudently, chose to attack the Obama Administration over the deaths of the US Ambassador to Libya and some American officials who were working at the embassy. I thought that in such a solemn moment, Romney would exercise some political maturity and join President Obama to issue a statement to the friends and family of those who died. But this is how far political opposition can take us! And it is no different from what we, sometimes, witness in our homeland. Political parties in and out of government oppose each other for no tangible reasons. Looking at the development deficits of our nation, it is imperative that we adapt our democracy to be more responsive to the developmental needs of the ordinary people. Another reason that makes me doubt if our democracy is really ‘’for the people’’ is the unfortunate level of participation of the Ghanaian in our democratic experiment. Again, under the aforementioned Directive Principles of State Policy, the Constitution states, inter alia, in Article 35, Clause (6), paragraph (d) that the State shall afford all possible opportunities to the people in decision-making at ever y level in national life and in government. This, to me, sounds pretty laudable in print, but in practice, the story is completely different: The only moment the Ghanaian really takes any decision in our national life is when it is time to elect Members of Parliament and the President. Beyond that time, the Ghanaian becomes merely a passive participant in the governance of the country. We usually hear refrains of ‘’Participatory Democracy’’ in the media being trumpeted by some state institutions, but, unfortunately, our Democracy does not have any real elements to showcase for that. I believe that our Democracy would be more participatory if we create more educated people, who understand the actual essence and imperatives of democratic governance. This, I suspect, would enable the greatest masses of the people to get actively engaged in the entire governance process of the country, and not merely always wait for every four years to queue up to vote. To this end, I fervently pray that Government and all other stakeholders would invest heavily in the education of our people since it is an open secret that true democracy can only thrive on an informed citizenry. And for one to be informed, one needs to have the ability to appreciate the national issues of concern; one must possess the ability of separating useless propaganda from issues which present all sides in an objective manner. This can only be achieved if the citizenry have some appreciable level of education. Another issue that worries me greatly is how our democratic practice is becoming more and more expensive. Most political parties in opposition always promise to have slimmer Government when voted into power, but we all know what happens after they win power. It costs a lot to maintain just one minister of state. Lately, we see more people working at the Presidency, some even without any official designation. It has become common to see lots of Government functionaries who describe themselves as being part of Government Communication Team. All these people are paid with the Tax Payer’s money! It is important that, as a nation, we do something drastic about our size of Government. Let us, however, not for once, delude ourselves into thinking that this problem is peculiar to the executive arm of Government. The most nauseating development, lately, in our national politics is the ritual increase of the number of constituencies by the Electoral Commission almost every four years on the basis of its constitutional mandate given to it by Article 47, clause (5) of our constitution. The foregoing article states clearly that, ‘’The Electoral Commission shall review the division of Ghana into constituencies at intervals of not less than seven years, or within twelve months after the publication of the enumeration figures after the holding of a census of the population of Ghana, whichever is earlier, and may, as a result, alter the constituencies.’’ This constitutional provision is so clear and simple to understand. I am quite worried because the approach of the Commission to this constitutional duty is making it seem as though review of division into constituencies and altering of constituencies automatically mean an increase in their number. Review and alter are not synonymous with increase in any dictionary! When you do your calculations, you can be assured that within the next forty years the country cannot find a place to accommodate our Members of Parliament to conduct Government business if the commission does not stop this practice of increasing the constituencies regularly. Maybe the best way to deal with this problem is to set a ceiling for the number of Members of Parliament in the Constitution since from all indications, the Commission’s understanding of that provision is simply to increase the number of constituencies every eight years. Without doubt, the size of the legislative arm of Government is getting too large, and we must, without any delay, start taking measures to reduce it. Ghanaians deserve quality representation, not quantity. Some Members of Parliament do not make any contribution to parliamentary debates in the chamber of the House, and some, I understand, do not make any meaningful contribution at the committees’ level. The strong brouhaha over the creation of the forty-five new constituencies last year was quite expected. As much as the argument about the unfavourableness of the time, was, sincerely, perfectly in order, the popular belief that a country of twenty-four million is not too huge to warrant more than two hundred legislative representatives is just the point. In the first place, the Commission should not have even created the thirty constituencies in 2004. It is not a matter of legalities; it is a matter of common sense. Anytime any person opposes the creation of the new constituencies, the Commission quickly rebuts that it is its constitutional mandate. Well, the constitution talks of review, not necessarily an increase. Our democratic experiment may be fraught with some difficulties, but my most fervent prayer is that we should never allow any malcontent(s) to truncate this political system. I would hope that we invest in education and strengthening state institutions. These two exercises are critical to deepening democratic culture in our country. I pray that all Ghanaians would get their hands on deck so that we can move forward collectively to truly build a better Ghana.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Mechanically agitated fermenters
Mechanically agitated fermenters Abstract Traditional mechanical agitation fermenters have dominated the industry since the antibiotic era as needs changed new fermenter designs were created. As a result air lift agitated fermenters were created and have many merits in comparison to mechanical agitation fermenters. In this essay we will go through both systems merits in regards to mixing, aeration, practicality and energy costs Introduction Agitators are mechanical instruments used to mix substances, Fermentation is an age old art in which organic substances are broken down and reassembled into other substances. Fermenters are large bioreactors in which fermentation occurs, fermenters are the instruments employed to manufacture economically viable biological products. Their basic function is to provide a controlled environment in order to achieve optimal growth and product formation of the particular biological product required. For biotech and pharmaceutical purposes the products from fermentation are microbial cells or biomass, enzymes, and microbial metabolites such as antibiotics and ethanol. The basic desired functional properties of all Fermenters are that they can create gas liquid interfaces without making foam a problem. They should sufficiently hold up dispersed phases and allow reasonable heat transfer. They should also be able to control bulk flow so no dead zones can form. In league with these functional re quirements they should be cheap, robust and have a simple mechanical design additionally they should have low power consumption and be easy to scale up. In this essay we will compare two different types of Fermenters, airlift Fermenters and mechanically agitated Fermenters. Both types of mixers within Fermenters results in the intermingling of two or more dissimilar portions of material resulting in the acquirement of either physical or chemical uniformity in the final product. In industrial fermentation reactions there is a basic requirement of substrate, organism, water and oxygen. Mixing within Fermenters usually causes equilibrium between, rate, purity and production yield. Mechanical agitators are used in traditional Fermenters for mixing they maintain optimum substrate biomass concentration everywhere, keeps solid suspended, disperse oxygen, and allow an upkeep of total bubble surface area and the recycling of air bubbles (figure 1). Mechanically agitated Fermenters Mechanically agitated Fermenters require a relatively high input of energy per unit volume. In these systems a large variety of impeller shapes and sizes are available to produce different flow patterns inside the Fermenter. The use of multiple impellers produces better mixing that works in addition with baffles that are normally used to reduce vortexing. Approximately 70-80% of the volume of stirred reactors is filled with liquid. Foaming may be a problem with this type of Fermenter. Foam breakers, may be necessary. It is better to use mechanical anti foamers over chemical anti foamers because the chemicals often reduce oxygen transfer rate. One of the limits of this system is the use of high speed impellers can damage and even destroy cells. Aspect ratios of these Fermenters vary over a wide range. For aeration to be increased a higher aspect ratio is needed (H/D rates). Increased aeration results in greater contact times between liquid and rising bubbles and produces hydrostatic p ressure at the bottom of the Fermenter. Bubble column /Air Lift Fermenters In these systems aeration and mixing are achieved by gas sparging. Gas is sparged only into the riser. Decreased liquid fluid density and gas accumulation cause the liquid in the riser to mover upwards. Gas disengages at the top of the vessel leaving heavier bubble-free liquid to recirculate through the downcomer. This process needs less energy than mechanical stirring. This mixing, method is used in the production of beer and bakers yeast. The advantages of this method over mechanical agitation are, lack of moving parts, low capital costs satisfactory mass and heat transfer. Air lifted Fermenters produce heterogeneous and homogenous medium flows. In heterogeneous flow, Bubbles and liquids tend to rise up in the center of the column while a corresponding down flow of liquid occurs near the walls. In Homogenous flow, bubbles rise with the same upward velocity with no back-mixing of the gas phase. Foaming may also be a problem with these Fermenters. There are two kinds of air lift Ferm enters internal loop and external loop Fermenters. Mixing is better in external loop Fermenters because the riser and downcomers are further apart in external loop vessels which cause the density difference between fluids in the downcomer and riser to be greater meaning circulation of the liquid vessel is faster due to fewer bubbles being carried to the downcomer. Airlift Fermenter are normally used for the culture of immobilized catalyst and the culture of plant and animal cells because of their low sheer level. Mixing Stirred Fermenters and air lifted Fermenters both offer adequate mixing and mass transfer. However when a large Fermenter is required (50-500M3) for a low viscosity medium air lift vessels may be a better choice due to their advantages. These being they are cheap to install and operate. When scale up is required large mechanical agitators are impractical as the power required to achieve adequate mixing becomes very high. Mechanical agitators are used for high viscosity cultures. Mass transfer rates decline at viscosities greater than 50-100 cP. Mechanical agitation creates much more heat than sparging of compressed gas. This can become a problem when the reaction temperature is high for example when trying to produce single celled proteins from methanol, removal of frictional stirrer heat can be problematic this is where air-lift agitation is preferred. Comparison In brief the conventional, stirred tank bioreactor has dominated the industry since its successful application in the antibiotic era and most fermentation processes today use Fermenters of this type because of this. However due to change in the industry in regards to products in demand. Such as the growth of hydrodomas cell and recombinant DNA technologies of genetically modified cells of plant, microbial and mammalian origin imposed new demands that traditional agitators could not provide at an economically viable level. For this reason new novel Fermenters where designed and put into use. The air lift Fermenter being one of them. The air lift Fermenter has no movable parts or motors the only power requirement comes from the air compressors that provide air through the sparging system. No mechanical agitation occurs, the air bubbles forced through the sparger cause induced turbulent liquid mixing and mass transfer in which mixing rates and aeration rates are coupled together. Their main advantage is low sheer and energy requirement along with aseptic seals not being required around the shaft which makes them highly suitable for producing single celled protein. Additionally in air lift Fermenters mixing is improved by the inclusion of a draught tube to impart a circulation loop which produces a higher oxygen mass coefficient (KLA). The Air lift Fermenters are ideal when there is need for gentle agitation. Whereas the conventional mechanical agitated Fermenters have a broader range of application but they have a poorly defined mixing pattern in comparison to airlift Fermenters. Additionally they cannot be aerated at a high enough rate due to impeller flooding. Practicality wise they have a long life, the mechanical agitation configuration has become too established in processes for new methodologies to replace them. It would be too expensive to do. Aeration To provide aeration into a vessel means to supply or expose the medium to the circulation of air. Airlifted Fermenters provide a much greater aeration than mechanical agitators as gas is constantly pumped into the medium and consequently causes fluid circulation. Aeration within a mechanically agitated Fermenter is controlled by the type of impeller and baffle system. For example Turbines, propellers and paddles are generally used in low viscosity systems and operate at high rotational speed inside the Fermenter. Turbines are normally used for dispersion of gases in liquids. There are many types angled-blade turbines and retreating-blade turbines, the rushton/inclined six blade impeller. Similarly for large vessels with high aspect ratios it is common practice to mount more than one impeller of the same shaft. Baffles are of particular importance as they prevent gross vortexing which is detrimental to mixing/ aeration they are normally fitted on the walls of a vessel. Practicality Depending on the product being produced in the Fermenter and the viscosity of the medium practicality of mechanical and airlift agitators differ. Mechanical agitators are very practical when it comes to mixing highly viscous non Newtonian mediums however the power for this can be very high and subsequently this increases the costs. Additionally the practicality of the Fermenter being used in regards to merits is determined by the type of product being produced, the microbiology of particular cell systems in use coupled with the morphology and nutritional requirements needed for optimal growth. The geometric configuration of the Fermenter play an important role. Effective mixing to minimise temperature, PH concentration gradient are very important particularly with mechanically agitated Fermenters especially when a process is scaled up. Additionally the viscosity of the medium plays an important role, does the medium behave in a Newton or non Newton manner is it a solid or liquid sta te fermentation. The sheering effect of a particular agitation system dictates whether sheer sensitive cells can be cultivated. All of this is taken into account keeping in mind what is best for economic performance. For example large mechanical agitators have better Practical use than air lift agitators for use with the following cell systems, these are immobilised Bacteria, yeast and plant cells and are used for the for the production of products such as ethanol, monoclonal antibodies, growth factors and medicinal products. This is because they can tolerate sheer at a level best for productivity. Resulting in large quantities of moderate quality products with good profit costs. Alternatively air lift agitators are generally used for the cell systems of bacteria yeast and other fungi producing products such as single celled proteins E.G. Quorn, enzymes, secondary metabolites and biosurfactants. This is because they are more economically practical due to them having low sheer values meaning they do not damage the cells, they have much lower running costs and they can produce higher value sheer sensitive GM pr oducts. Furthermore when it comes to scale up with airlifted Fermenters it can be difficult to alter stirring rates making it difficult to deal with important rheological changes and foaming. This is where mechanically agitated Fermenters are favoured. Also air lifted Fermenters are less flexible than mechanically agitated systems as Aeration is responsible for homogenization. Energy use and Cost Mechanical agitators use more energy have moving parts, seals and are more expensive to run than airlift fermenters. The main benefit of air-lift Fermenters over mechanical agitators is that they can be constructed at much greater reactor volumes air-lift Fermenters can be built at volumes of several thousands cubic meters while mechanical operated agitators can be scaled up to a maximum of 800-1500 m3 (Ruitenberg et al 2001) As a consequence of this the investment costs of air-lift Fermenters is significantly lower when compared to mechanically operated agitators of the same capacity. At higher volumes mechanical agitators cause mechanical problems because of the large power requirements of the impeller. Furthermore, scale-up of air-lift Fermenters is much more straight forward than that of mechanical agitated fermenters. Scale-up from a 5 m3 pilot to 1500 m3 and larger is well defined. (Ruitenberg et al 2001) Figure 3 shows the Capital cost comparison of air-lift Fermenters vs. mechanical agitated fermenters. The cost for a mechanically agitated fermenter is defined as 1 for a 1500 m3 tank. The c ost of a 1500 m3 air-lift fermenter is a bit lower than that of the equivalent mechanically agitated fermenter. However, the investment cost follows the 0.6 rule until 6000 m3 is reached. Above 6000 m3, more than one air lift fermenter may need to be used. Another advantage of air-lift fementers over mechanical agitated fermenters is that the oxygen input efficiency is the same or better at considerably lower shear. Additionally Because no moving parts are present in air-lift Fermenters, the costs for maintenance will be lower as compared to mechanically agitated fermenters. The combination of high oxygen input efficiencies and low maintenance costs results in lower operational costs. Shear rates are much lower in air-lift Fermenters than in mechanically agitated fermenters. Low shear rates facilitate growth of biofilms, which can increase the reaction rate. This advantage is thought to be greatest when thermophilic bacteria are used. Because a three-phase settler can be integrated on top of an air-lift fermenter, the solids retention time can be separated from the hydraulic retention time causing biomass retention, (Ruitenberg et al 2001) Conclusion Mechanically agitated Fermenters have been in use since the beginning of the industry however due to changes in demand that comes with time in regards to technology and products needed novel Fermenter ideals were designed and put into fruition the air lift Fermenter is but one. In many ways this air lift agitators have many advantages as was just discussed. References Barker, T. W. and J. T. Worgan (1981). The Application of Air-Lift Fermenters to the Cultivation of Filamentous Fungi. European Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 13(2): 77-83. Chisti, Y. and U. J. Jauregui-Haza (2002). Oxygen transfer and mixing in mechanically agitated airlift bioreactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal 10(2): 143-153. Fontana, R. C., T. A. Polidoro, et al. (2009). Comparison of stirred tank and airlift bioreactors in the production of polygalacturonases by Aspergillus oryzae. Bioresource Technology 100(19): 4493-4498. Margaritis, A. and J. B. Wallace (1984). Novel Bioreactor Systems and Their Applications. Bio-Technology 2(5): 447-453. Ruitenberg, R., C. E. Schultz, et al. (2001). Bio-oxidation of minerals in air-lift loop bioreactors. International Journal of Mineral Processing 62(1-4): 271-278. Williams, J. A. (2002). Keys to bioreactor selections. Chemical Engineering Progress 98(3): 34-41.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Brian Wilson :: Biographies Music Papers
Brian Wilson I can remember when I was a little girl, my father and I would listen to Beach Boys’ albums together in our living room. My favorite song was Kokomo and I would sing it all the time. I loved the cheerful sounds of the music and the fun loving attitude that The Beach Boys portrayed. As I grew older, I still loved The Beach Boys, and I continued to listen to their music frequently. The more I learned about music the more amazing their music seemed. The tight harmonies and unique instruments made each song unique and made me more and more interested in finding out how they were created. Brian Wilson is the creative genius that wrote and produced much of The Beach Boys’ music. Despite being near deaf in one ear, Wilson managed to not only provide the Beach Boys with countless hit records, but also made a major impact on popular music as a whole. His music influenced most major pop musicians today and his harmonies are used in songs sung by such pop acts as N’Sync and The Backstreet Boys. Even the Beatles admit that they felt threatened by the Beach Boys and without the creative challenge that Brian Wilson posed, both Revolver and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band would have never come into being. Born in Inglewood, California, June 10, 1942, Brian was the first child of Murry, who was an aspiring songwriter, and Audree Wilson, a talented pianist. Brian’s life was always full of music. Brian Wilson said in his biography Wouldn’t It Be Nice, â€Å"As far as I can remember, I have always heard music, faint strains of melody floating in my head...I was able to tune into a mysterious, god-given music. It was my gift.†However, Brian did not have a happy childhood. His father both physically and emotionally abused Brian, Brian’s mother, and later, Brian’s two younger brothers, Dennis and Carl. His mother turned to alcoholism to escape from the abuse. Also, because she was afraid of Murry, Audree rarely showed her boys physical affection.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Book Report Format Essay
Topic Format: I.Introduction a.Answer the following questions about the story: i.What is the book’s plot? (provide a short summary) ii.What is the author’s name and personal background? iii.Which other books or stories have they written or co-written? iv.Why did you choose this book? v.Upon finishing it, did the book meet your expectations? II.Body a.Explain the following parts of the story: i.Exposition oWhat are the setting, location, and time period of the story? oWho are the main characters of the book? oWhat is the initial mood of the story? ii.Conflict oWhat is the main problem(s) facing the main characters? oHow does the initial problem(s) increase over time? iii.Climax oWhat event(s) is the highest dramatic point of the story? oWhat is the significance of this event(s)? iv.Resolution oHow are the main characters affected by the climax? oHow does this aftermath propel the story towards its conclusion? v.Conclusion oWhat is the fate of the main characters? oHas the main problem been fully resolved? oAre there any lingering issues left behind (â€Å"loose ends†)? III.Conclusion a.Present your final thoughts about the story: i.What did you like best about the book? ii.What did you like least about the book? iii.What is your favorite scene from the book? iv.What is your overall opinion of the book? v.Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not? Deductions: oNot typed / -5 pts oNo title page / -5 pts oNo standard / -5 pts oSeveral spelling or grammar errors / -5 pts oNumerous spelling or grammar errors / -10 pts oNot in MLA format / -5 pts oNot in proper topic format / -10 pts oMissing a topic section / -10pts oIncomplete papers / â€Å"no gradeâ€
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Business English - Taking a Message
Business English - Taking a Message Read the following dialogue between a caller and a receptionist as they discuss a delayed shipment. Practice the dialogue with a friend so you can feel more confident the next time you leave a message. Theres a comprehension and vocabulary review quiz following the dialogue. Taking a Message Receptionist: Janson Wine Importers. Good Morning. How can I help you?Caller: Could I speak to Mr Adams, please? Receptionist: Whos calling please?Caller: This is Anna Beare. Receptionist: Sorry, I didnt catch your name.Caller: Anna Beare. Thats B E A R E Receptionist: Thank you. And where are you calling from?Caller: Sun Soaked Vineyards Receptionist: OK Ms Beare. Ill try and put you through. †¦ Im sorry but the lines busy. Would you like to hold?Caller: Oh, thats a shame. This concerns an upcoming shipment and its rather urgent. Receptionist: He should be free in half an hour. Would you like to call back?Caller: Im afraid Ill be in a meeting. Could I leave a message? Receptionist: Certainly.Caller: Could you tell Mr Adams that our shipment will be postponed and that the 200 cases ordered should arrive next Monday. Receptionist: Shipment delayed †¦ arriving next Monday.Caller: Yes, and could you ask him to call me back when the shipment arrives? Receptionist: Certainly. Could you give me your number please?Caller: Yes, its 503-589-9087 Receptionist: Thats 503-589-9087Caller: Yes, thats right. Thanks for your help. Goodbye Receptionist: Goodbye. Key Vocabulary to catch a persons name (verb phrase) be able to understand a persons nameto be busy / to be engaged (verb phrase) have other work to do and not able to respond to a telephone callto hold the line (verb phrase) wait on the telephone to leave a message (verb phrase) have someone take note of a message for someone elseto be free (verb phrase) have time available to do somethingurgent (adjective) very important needing attention immediatelyshipment (noun) delivery of merchandiseto postpone (verb) put off something to a later date or timeto be delayed (verb phrase) not be able to happen on time, be postponedto call someone back (verb phase) return someones telephone call Taking a Message Comprehension Quiz Check your understanding with this multiple choice comprehension quiz. Check your answers below, as well as practice key expressions from this dialogue. 1. Who would the caller like to speak to?  The receptionist Anna Beare Mr Adams 2. Which company does the caller represent?  Jason Wine Importers Sun Soaked Vineyards Beare consulting 3. Is the caller able to complete her task?  Yes, she speaks with Mr Adams. No, she hangs up. No, but she leaves a message. 4. Which information does the caller wish to leave?  That they havent received their shipment yet. That there is a short delay in the shipment. That the wine was of poor quality. 5. What other information does the receptionist ask for?  The time of day The callers telephone number They type of wine shipped Answers Mr AdamsSun Soaked VineyardsNo, but she leaves a message.That there is a short delay in the shipmentThe callers telephone number Vocabulary Check Quiz Good morning. How can I ______ you?Could I ________ to Ms Devon, please?Whos ____________, please?________ is Kevin Trundel.Im sorry, I didnt ____________ your name.Im sorry. Shes ___________. Can I take a ____________?Could you ask her to call me _________?Could I have your ___________, please? Answers helpspeakcallingThiscatchbacknumber
Monday, October 21, 2019
Unobtrusive Measures in Sociology Experiments
Unobtrusive Measures in Sociology Experiments In research, an unobtrusive measure is a method of making observations without the knowledge of those being observed. Unobtrusive measures are designed to minimize a major problem in social research, which is how a subject’s awareness of the research project affects behavior and distorts research results. The main drawback, however, is that there is a very limited range of information that can be gathered this way. One way to assess the effect of racial integration in schools is to compare the academic records of students educated in schools whose student populations vary in their degree of racial heterogeneity. Another way that one can determine the results of an experiment utilizing unobtrusive measures is to analyze data and behavior from a hidden camera or through a two-way mirror. In either case, privacy may come into play and a test subjects individual rights are in danger of being violated. Indirect Measures As opposed to obtrusive measures, indirect measures occur naturally during research and are available to researchers in pretty much limitless supply, depending on the researchers innovation and imagination. Indirect measures are naturally unobtrusive and are used to collect data without introducing any formal measurement procedure of which the subject is aware. Take for instance trying to measure foot traffic and item popularity in a fashion boutique. Although placing a person in the store to observe shoppers might give you great data on what people buy, it also has a chance of intruding on the study by letting the shopper know they were being watched. On the other hand, if a researcher installs hidden cameras and observes data collected from those to notice trend, the measure would be considered indirect or unobtrusive. Similarly, some cell phone apps now allow retailers to track the movement of cellular devices in the store if the customer is logged into a discount app for the store. This specific geolocation can measure exactly how long customers spend in different parts of stores, without being aware theyre being watched. This raw data is the closest one can get to understanding how a shopper spends his or her time in a store when he or she feels no one is watching. Ethics and Surveillance Unobstructive measures come with their fair share of ethics concerns, primarily in terms of privacy and surveillance. For that reason, researchers should be careful with which methods they use and how they use them when conducting these types of sociological experiments. By definition, indirect or unobtrusive measures collect data and observations without the experiment subjects knowledge, which could be cause for concern for this person being observed. Further, it could be a violation of the persons right to privacy by not using informed consent. In general, it is important to understand the laws governing privacy in the context of your experiment. Chances are, most will require consent from the participants, though this is not the case with certain public spaces such as museums or amusement parks, where buying a ticket acts as a contract for the patron which often times includes video surveillance and monitoring.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Quotes About Being Aloneâ€but Not Lonely
Quotes About Being Alone- but Not Lonely Some people find it unnerving to be left alone when there are far too many uncomfortable dimensions to the solitude. Yet being alone does not necessarily mean being lonely. For instance, assume you are left alone with your thoughts. If you find peace in solitude, your time alone may be a blessing, a welcome respite from the cares of the world. The right quotes show that being alone- far from being lonely- provides a chance to reflect on life. Buddha All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else. Henry David Thoreau I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. Ann Landers It is far better to be alone than to wish you were. Warsan Shire My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude. Marilyn Monroe I restore myself when Im alone. Its better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone- so far. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone. Julie Delpy Too many women throw themselves into romance because they’re afraid of being single, then start making compromises and losing their identity. I won’t do that. Thomas Merton If we seek paradise outside ourselves, we cannot have paradise in our hearts.Wayne Dyer You cannot be lonely if you like the person youre alone with. John Steinbeck All great and precious things are lonely. Blaise Pascal All mens miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone. James Dean Being an actor is the loneliest thing in the world. You are all alone with your concentration and imagination, and thats all you have. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying. George Washington It is better to be alone than in bad company. Dr. Seuss All alone! Whether you like it or not, alone is something youll be quite a lot. Dalai Lama Spend some time alone every day. African Proverb It is better to travel alone than with a bad companion. Jules Renard If you are afraid of being lonely, dont try to be right. Suzanne Gordon To be alone is to be different, to be different is to be alone. Charles Caleb Colton To dare to live alone is the rarest courage; since there are many who had rather meet their bitterest enemy in the field, than their own hearts in their closet. Alain de Botton Booksellers are the most valuable destination for the lonely, given the numbers of books that were written because authors couldnt find anyone to talk to. Georg Trakl For whoever is lonely there is a tavern. Paul Tillich Language...has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word solitude to express the glory of being alone. Jose Garcia Villa No more truth. Bells ring no more in me. I am all alone singly. Lonely rests my head. O my God! I am dead. Pearl S. Buck The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration. Vicki Baum Fame always brings loneliness. Success is as ice-cold and lonely as the North Pole. Anonymous I think Id do better on my own, no friends, no fights, just me alone. Christopher Morley Beauty is ever to the lonely mind a shadow fleeting; she is never plain. She is a visitor who leaves behind the gift of grief, the souvenir of pain. Hafiz of Persia â€Å"I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.†Ancient Chinese Proverb â€Å"An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless or time, place, and circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle. But it will never break.†Mandy Hale â€Å"A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.†Dr. Wayne Dyer You cannot be lonely if you like the person youre alone with. Joseph F. Newton â€Å"People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.â€
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Responding to the global economic crisis can lead to a more Essay
Responding to the global economic crisis can lead to a more sustainable economy - Essay Example Financial break down occurred in these countries towards the middle of 2007 and intensified in the next year. The crisis had changed the economic working in most of these nations and led to stagnation of their economic growth (Obstfeld, Cho, and Mason 2012, 1). Bankruptcy filing by some of the largest financial institutions in the world, such as the Lehman Brothers and the Northern Rock, caused a steep collapse in the financial structure in the country and has triggered a global panic. It has disrupted the international trade pattern. The countries that take part in international trade are interlinked to one another through trade relations. Therefore the impact of recession created in the advanced countries owing to their economic and financial failure, have also spread to the other developing nations. This has brought in a recessionary pressure in the whole world (Takagi 2009). Financial crisis and recession in 2007 The twenty first century has been notified as â€Å"the era of gre at modernization†. However, these courses of events have caused concern about the economic growth pattern in the countries around the world. Depression in the business cycle in these cases has extended for more than four quarters (which is considered the maximum period of time for which an economy might stay in recession) (Arcega 2013). The future of the global economy is under lots of debates and discussion and experts opine that imbalances in the international trade pattern and overheating of the global economic structure and pose considerable importance on the economic future of all the countries. Hence, it is implied that the governments in these countries are required to take policy initiatives in response to this financial downturn in order to bring back stability in their economies (Obstfeld, Cho and Mason 2012, 2). In this context it has to be mentioned that the economic crunch has cast influence on the issue of sustainable development. The years prior to the financial crisis had witnessed good growth rate in the United States in terms of GDP. The GDP is commonly used as a measure of economic growth. The ideal growth rate of GDP is that particular rate of growth of the total national output, which is sustainable (Amadeo 2013). Macroeconomic policies therefore bear close connotation to sustainability issues (Eichengreen 2010). The financial crisis of 2007 has been compared by several experts to a bug that has eroded the hard earned benefits of good economic growth achieved by these economies prior to 2007. However, the more important question facing researchers and policy makers is that whether these development goals have been consistent with the concept of sustainable development. Sustainability and sustainable development The Federal government of the United States has applied the neo classical economic theory for attaining deep understanding of the economic issues occurring in these countries and curving out solutions from the fundamentals of this theory. The neo classical economic theory involves the dual notion of allocation of resources in the free market from within the resource endowment of the economy and the price system followed in such a market economy (Endres 2002, 6). Concept of sustainability Sustainability refers to the constraints put on the inter-temporal distribution of available resources that are used by the mankind for fulfillment of their current desires and requirements (Howarth 2010, 448). There are various notions about the concept of sustainability and these concepts are subjected to the economical, geographical, political, social and cultural precincts of each particular nation. Therefore, there is no strict and bounded definition of sustainability.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Sondu Miriu Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Sondu Miriu Project - Essay Example The aims of modernization are liberty, rationality and progress, modernization can be defined as the process in which a society moves from traditional ways of life to more advanced and modern ways of life, modernization can be viewed as a form of social change.2( Bruno (1995) page 60) According to Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, Modernization theory is also known as the development theory whereby this theory depicts the roles played by the developed countries in order for the developing countries to be modernized and attain sustainable development. The modernization theory is in contrast with the dependency theory which states that the developed countries will exploit the developing countries and that the developed countries will continue to become richer while the developing will continue to be poorer.3( In this paper we will focus on a recent project that has caused social change in a developing country society, the Sondu Miriu project was initiated in 1999 in Kenya following a feasible study undertaken in 1985 this is according to according to the Kengen official website (2007) , the project was is a hydropower producing project and it is located in one of the most rural place in Kenya, since 1999 when work on the project started there has been various changes in the society living in this area, this paper will focus on these changes on a modernization perspective.4 ( IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT: NEGATIVE: Reallocation: The people living in the proposed location of the project will have to reallocate and this means that they will loose their agricultural land and also homesteads, despite compensation the community will still have to reallocate meaning that this will change their ways of life, the project is already in progress and therefore some people have lost their land and at the same time compensated. Water and soil pollution: Due to construction of the dam there has been water and soil pollution, there has been a loss of clean water but at the same time they have been provided with clean water for domestic use, previously they depended on the sondu Miriu river water for domestic use but now they have been provided with clean piped water for domestic use. Decline in public safety: The construction of a reservoir dam has brought up a hazard to the local community where there is a risk of people drowning also other hazard are evident from the construction of the dam such as water Bourne diseases bilharzias, elephantiasis, typhoid and cholera, however this problem has been resolved through the construction of a fence all round the dam to safeguard the local community from the hazard and also there has been the establishment of health centers that provide health care to the community. Forest encroachment: The construction of the dam has restricted access to the Kogutu forest by the local community, however this may be viewed as a positive impact in that now the forest will not face deforestation and therefore preserve the ecosystem of the area, also there has been plans to reforest the area.5 ( POSITIVE: Fish farming: Local area
Identity is a Production which is Never Complete Essay
Identity is a Production which is Never Complete - Essay Example Ann Frank writing was little known in the twentieth century but it has been gradually been identified and the identity of Anne Frank as one of the best writers of her time. Stuart Hall posits Ann Frank diaries by revealing the identity via rethinking of the placing and corresponding repositioning of the Nazi regime. Drawing of the spatial and temporal metaphors of the diaries implicitly and concurrently compare the society in broader sign system thus acting as the signifier of identity link of the intertextually of the prevailing texts. Hall wholly suggests that the Nazi is neither an isolatable and independent location that exists within a social and historical vacuum nor the corresponding past separable from the current universe. Anne Frank is self-subjecting strategy from the corresponding art making of the institutional network practice. Moreover, the category error of Anne Frank does not entail distinction and thus does not permit clear modalities of thought around the diverse sets of practices to develop. Anne Frank’s identity covers thinking beyond the mid-1990s that mainly emphasis on the underlying movement amidst places as a significant aspect of migration cultures. Failure of Anne Frank recognition was mainly linked to the engagement of the post-colonial migrational culture and it mainly entails willful misrecognition of the prevailing significance of the set of cultures that contributed to the constitution of the conditions of modernity in the cultural institution's operation. The continued misrecognition, undervaluing the production of the cultural value and form in the art practices of the early twentieth century hindering numerous personalities from knowing the real identity of Anne Frank.
Drug Dependence is a Condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Drug Dependence is a Condition - Essay Example Different types of drugs have different mechanisms of action. Depending on the type of drug and the form in which it is administered can cause a wide range of variation of symptoms. Almost all drugs, however, interact with the dopaminergic reward system. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is often a pleasure producing chemical. Drugs can either act as agonists or antagonists on receptors, which impact the secretion of this rewarding chemical. As a result, drug users use this in order to achieve the euphoria. Eventually, it takes more and more of the drug in order to achieve the same level of euphoria. This is the beginning of addiction. For drug users who have been using for years, this addiction becomes life essential to the point that it has altered their physiology and if they were to stop using, it would result in death. Thus this addiction moves from becoming a criminal intention to a medical condition. For example, methamphetamines are an extremely powerful drug, which can le ad to the chemical addiction as mentioned above. The withdrawal symptoms can have severe physiological symptoms as well as lead to death due to the lack of medication. This lead to the production of a medicine known as methadone, which is a pharmaceutical which can keep the side effects from methamphetamine occurring, but itself is addicting. In addition, the war on drugs has been occurring for many years, but illegal drugs still are being used and will still make their way onto the streets. As long as there are buyers and sellers, the drug trades and cartels will continue to exist as they find better and more covert ways of initiating their drug transactions.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS REQUIRES AN INTEGRATED APPROACH FROM MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Guidelines are drawn to assist the employee understanding of the goal and objectives set by the management, more so, information is given to help the employees while taking corrective action and they are further given advise on how to go about bargaining their terms of employments, legislation and regulation. Employees relations is some times confused or used as a synonym for industrial relation since it deal with the relationship of workers and management and the conduct of workers in the in work place. To understand the employee relations, one must start by understanding the legal frame work in the work place, and then consider the social psychological influence aspect part of the employee in terms of trust, communication and commitment. In deep understanding of the employee relations, it's important to consider factors that influence the employer employee relationship Globalization is one of the factors affecting the employee relations, otherwise known as the industrial relations. Strategic management is important because changes in employee relations has resulted to increased bargaining power of the employees, flexibility in working time as well as changing job functions and this has occurred due to the increase in competition, product processes changes due to consumer awareness combined with the increasing essence in quality, productivity and skills. An integration of all these factors has had impact on the practices and policies of the management. While managing change in the firm, the employee involvement in making sure the change is effected is very important while the management has to ensure that the skills processed by the employees are compatible with those required in the market to meet the customer needs. The results of globalization are that:- Countries have become more interdependent economically than before due to the breakdown of barriers of trade hence they cannot become self reliant. Governments have been unable to control information, technology and capital flow across the boundaries. Markets are now not regulated allowing the goods, services and capital to integrate like the European Union Companies are becoming global entities which are forming the global webs due to de-nationalization of firms The firms have discovered the importance of remaining competitive in the market b y producing high quality services and goods A strategic human resource management is essential in making sure the objectives of production of high quality products, ability to counter fast to the dynamics of the market and continuous innovation are attained, and this can only be achieved through employee training, involvement and intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, this making the employee relations to be of paramount importance in management. In many firms which include the general motors, the employee relations are taken to consist of five values which have enabled the management to succeed in achieving its objectives, these are: How the works are organize Acquisition skills and development of employees Compensation and pay processes and structures Security arrangements on employment and staffing Labor management issues With the increased importance of the employee relations, the human resources is has shifted it focus to quality, innovation and reduction of the cost. The importance of human resource management (HRM) is reflected in the personnel management in the firms. Employee
Answer question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10
Answer question - Essay Example The teachings by Moishe the Beadle are similar to Buber’s Hasidic teachings. Moishe teaches that there are a thousand and one ways that lead to the orchard of truth and each man has to find his own way to get there (Wiesel, 2006). Buber shares the same views as he argues that all men can access God, but each through his own way (Buber, 1958). During his various experiences, Wiesel was once in a situation where they had to celebrate the Day of Atonement by fasting. Wiesel went against traditional believes of fasting both as a symbol of rebellion against God’s silence as well as a necessary means of keeping up strength in the face of adversity and torture. Buber explains that in Hasidism, one can serve through learning, prayer, fasting or through eating (Buber, 1958). Accordingly, one should choose depending on what they view as right and avoid imitating others. On entering Auschwitz, Wiesel and his group of prisoners were greeted by a young pole with Hasidic inclination. He argues that by driving despair and through camaraderie, they will be able to overcome their hardship. Hasidism according to Buber shares a similar view as he argues that while the world is an irradiation of the Divine, it is described by independence of existence and striving and that man is to affirm the world and transform both him and the world at large to the image that God would approve. The notable difference between Buber and Wiesel accounts is the latter’s conclusion that man and man alone is the master of the universe. Buber argues that a divine spark exists in all men and that it can either be perverted or liberated and re-joined with the Origin (God) (Buber, 1958). Personally, I do not agree with Wiesel conclusion that we live in a world without God and that man alone is the master of nature and of the world. I however sympathize with
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Drug Dependence is a Condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Drug Dependence is a Condition - Essay Example Different types of drugs have different mechanisms of action. Depending on the type of drug and the form in which it is administered can cause a wide range of variation of symptoms. Almost all drugs, however, interact with the dopaminergic reward system. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is often a pleasure producing chemical. Drugs can either act as agonists or antagonists on receptors, which impact the secretion of this rewarding chemical. As a result, drug users use this in order to achieve the euphoria. Eventually, it takes more and more of the drug in order to achieve the same level of euphoria. This is the beginning of addiction. For drug users who have been using for years, this addiction becomes life essential to the point that it has altered their physiology and if they were to stop using, it would result in death. Thus this addiction moves from becoming a criminal intention to a medical condition. For example, methamphetamines are an extremely powerful drug, which can le ad to the chemical addiction as mentioned above. The withdrawal symptoms can have severe physiological symptoms as well as lead to death due to the lack of medication. This lead to the production of a medicine known as methadone, which is a pharmaceutical which can keep the side effects from methamphetamine occurring, but itself is addicting. In addition, the war on drugs has been occurring for many years, but illegal drugs still are being used and will still make their way onto the streets. As long as there are buyers and sellers, the drug trades and cartels will continue to exist as they find better and more covert ways of initiating their drug transactions.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Answer question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10
Answer question - Essay Example The teachings by Moishe the Beadle are similar to Buber’s Hasidic teachings. Moishe teaches that there are a thousand and one ways that lead to the orchard of truth and each man has to find his own way to get there (Wiesel, 2006). Buber shares the same views as he argues that all men can access God, but each through his own way (Buber, 1958). During his various experiences, Wiesel was once in a situation where they had to celebrate the Day of Atonement by fasting. Wiesel went against traditional believes of fasting both as a symbol of rebellion against God’s silence as well as a necessary means of keeping up strength in the face of adversity and torture. Buber explains that in Hasidism, one can serve through learning, prayer, fasting or through eating (Buber, 1958). Accordingly, one should choose depending on what they view as right and avoid imitating others. On entering Auschwitz, Wiesel and his group of prisoners were greeted by a young pole with Hasidic inclination. He argues that by driving despair and through camaraderie, they will be able to overcome their hardship. Hasidism according to Buber shares a similar view as he argues that while the world is an irradiation of the Divine, it is described by independence of existence and striving and that man is to affirm the world and transform both him and the world at large to the image that God would approve. The notable difference between Buber and Wiesel accounts is the latter’s conclusion that man and man alone is the master of the universe. Buber argues that a divine spark exists in all men and that it can either be perverted or liberated and re-joined with the Origin (God) (Buber, 1958). Personally, I do not agree with Wiesel conclusion that we live in a world without God and that man alone is the master of nature and of the world. I however sympathize with
How Not Getting Enough Sleep Affects Your Body Essay Example for Free
How Not Getting Enough Sleep Affects Your Body Essay It is extremely important for people to understand how lack of rest affects the body so that they will be more aware of the effects of not getting enough sleep every night. A lack of sleep can cause loss of brain function, and even death if continued for a long period of time. The effects of a consistent lack of sleep can be very dangerous to the person and others around them. The longer the person goes without sleep, the worse the effects will be until the person passes out and becomes hospitalized or has a fatal accident. A lack of sleep affects different parts of the body in more than one way and in different degrees depending on how long the person has gone without sleep. The largest effects of lack of sleep on the body can be seen on the brain of the individual. Going without sleep for a 24 hour period can result in the person exhibiting behavior resembling drunkenness, with studies showing that people in this condition are more dangerous when driving than people that are legally drunk. People that are suffering from lack of sleep can experience memory lapses, decreased concentration, and hallucinations. As this continues, the person can experience depersonalization where they do not believe that they or any of the people around them are real, almost ass they feel they are living in a dream. Psychotic episodes may also appear in the person which may or may not disappear after the person has returned to a normal sleeping schedule. A lack of sleep does not only affect the brain, but affects money other areas throughout the body as well, People that have gone without proper amount of sleep for a long amount of time can experience muscle fatigue, a weakened immune system, blurred vision, headaches, and nausea. Other effects such as muscle tremors, color blindness, hyperactivity, and weight loss or gain may occur. Lack of sleep has been linked to many different health conditions including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and many different mental conditions. In most cases, returning to normal sleep each night can stop these conditions but in some cases, the damage is irreversible. There are many ways that a lack of sleep can affect the body and each of the consequences of not getting enough rest can be dangerous to the person health and well being. Washington
Monday, October 14, 2019
Phonetic Transcription And Progress In Speech Synthesis
Phonetic Transcription And Progress In Speech Synthesis Phonetic transcription (or phonetic notation) is the visual representation of speech sounds (or phones). The most common type of phonetic transcription uses a phonetic alphabet (e.g., the International Phonetic Alphabet. The pronunciation of words in many languages, as distinct from their written form (orthography), has undergone significant change over time. Pronunciation can also vary greatly among dialects of a language. Traditional orthography in some languages, particularly French and English, often differs from the pronunciation. For example, the words bough and trough do not rhyme in English, even though their spellings might suggest they do. In French, for example, the s at the end of words is usually silent (militaire is pronounced the same as militaires) unless followed by a word beginning in a vowel. In the orthography of most European languages, the fact that many letters are pronounced or silent depending on contexts causes difficulties in determining the appropriate pronunciation, especially in the cases of English, Irish, and French. However, in other languages, such as Spanish and Italian, there is a more consistent-though still imperfect-relationship between orthography and pronuncia tion. Therefore, phonetic transcription can provide a function that orthography cannot. It displays a one-to-one relationship between symbols and sounds, unlike the traditional Roman alphabet. Phonetic transcription allows us to step outside of orthography and examine differences in pronunciation between dialects within a given language, as well as to identify changes in pronunciation that may take place over time. Phonetic transcription may aim to transcribe the phonology of a language, or it may wish to go further and specify the precise phonetic realisation. In all systems of transcription we may therefore distinguish between broad transcription and narrow transcription. Broad transcription indicates only the more noticeable phonetic features of an utterance, whereas narrow transcription encodes more information about the phonetic variations of the specific allophones in the utterance. The difference between broad and narrow is a continuum. One particular form of a broad transcription is a phonemic transcription, which disregards all allophonic difference, and, as the name implies, is not really a phonetic transcription at all, but a representation of phonemic structure. ]; the broad, phonemic transcription, placed between slashes, indicates merely that the word ends with phoneme /l/, but the narrow, allophonic transcription, placed between square brackets, indicates that this final /l/ is dark (velarized). The advantage of the narrow transcription is that it can help learners to get exactly the right sound, and allows linguists to make detailed analyses of language variation. The disadvantage is that a narrow transcription is rarely representative of all speakers of a language. Most Americans and Australians would pronounce the /t/ of little as a tap [É ¾]. Many people in England would say /t/ as [ʆ] (a glottal stop) and/or the second /l/ as [w] or something similar. A further disadvantage in less technical contexts is that narrow transcription involves a larger number of symbols which may be unfamiliar to non-specialists. The advantage of the broad transcription is that it usually allows statements to be made which apply across a more diverse language community. It is thus more appropriate for the pronunciation data in foreign language dictionaries, which may discuss phonetic details in the preface but rarely give them for each entry. A rule of thumb in many linguistics contexts is therefore to use a narrow transcription when it is necessary for the point being made, but a broad transcription whenever possible. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is one of the most popular and well-known phonetic alphabets. It was originally created by primarily British language teachers, with later efforts from European phoneticians and linguists. It has changed from its earlier intention as a tool of foreign language pedagogy to a practical alphabet of linguists. It is currently becoming the most often seen alphabet in the field of phonetics. Most American dictionaries for native English-speakers-American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Websters Third New International Dictionary-employ respelling systems based on the English alphabet, with diacritical marks over the vowels and stress marks. Another commonly encountered alphabetic tradition is the Americanist phonetic alphabet, originally created for the transcription of Native American and European languages. There exist somewhat similar traditions used by linguists of Indic, Finno-Ugric, Caucasian, and Slavic languages. The difference between these alphabets and IPA is small, although often the specially created characters of the IPA are often abandoned in favour of already existing characters with diacritics (e.g. many characters are borrowed from Eastern European orthographies). There are also extended versions of the IPA, for example: extIPA, VoQs, and Luciano Caneparis. The IPA is not the only phonetic transcription system in use. The other common Latin-based system is the Americanist phonetic notation, devised for representing American languages, but used by some US linguists as an alternative to the IPA. There are also sets of symbols specific to Slavic, Indic, Finno-Ugric, and Caucasian linguistics, as well as other regional specialties. The differences between these alphabets and IPA are relatively small, although often the special characters of the IPA are abandoned in favour of diacritics or digraphs. Other alphabets, such as Hangul, may have their own phonetic extensions. There also exist featural phonetic transcription systems, such as Alexander Melville Bells Visible Speech and its derivatives. The International Phonetic Association recommends that a phonetic transcription should be enclosed in square brackets [ ]. A transcription that specifically denotes only phonological contrasts may be enclosed in slashes / / instead. If one is in doubt, it is best to use brackets, for by setting off a transcription with slashes one makes a theoretical claim that every symbol within is phonemically contrastive for the language being transcribed. Phonetic transcriptions try to objectively capture the actual pronunciation of a word, whereas phonemic transcriptions are model-dependent. For example, in The Sound Pattern of English, Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle transcribed the English word night phonemically as /nixt/. In this model, the phoneme /x/ is never realized as [x], but shows its presence by lengthening the preceding vowel. The preceding vowel in this case is the phoneme /i/, which is pronounced [aÉ ª] when long. So phonemic /nixt/ is equivalent to phonetic but underlying this analysis is the belief that historical sounds such as the gh in night may remain in a word long after they have ceased to be pronounced, or that a phoneme may exist in a language without ever being directly expressed. (This was later rejected by both Chomsky and Halle.) For phonetic transcriptions, there is flexibility in how closely sounds may be transcribed. A transcription that gives only a basic idea of the sounds of a language in the broadest terms is called a broad transcription; in some cases this may be equivalent to a phonemic transcription (only without any theoretical claims). A close transcription, indicating precise details of the sounds, is called a narrow transcription. These are not binary choices, but the ends of a continuum, with many possibilities in between. All are enclosed in brackets. Here every symbol represents an unambiguous speech sound, but without going into any unnecessary detail. None of these transcriptions make any claims about the phonemic status of the sounds. Instead, they represent certain ways in which it is possible to produce the sounds that make up the word. There are also several possibilities in how to transcribe this word phonemically, but here the differences are generally not of precision, but of analysis. The special symbol for English r is not used, for it is not meaningful to distinguish it from a rolled r. The differences in the letter e reflect claims as to what the essential difference is between the vowels of pretzel and pray; there are half a dozen ideas in the literature as to what this may be. The second transcription claims that there are two vowels in the word, even if they cant both be heard, while the first claims there is only one. However, phonemic transcriptions may also be broad or narrow, or perhaps it would be better to say abstract vs. concrete. They may show a fair amount of phonetic detail, usually of a phonemes most common allophone, but because they are abstract symbols they do not need to resemble any sound at all directly. Phonemic symbols will frequently be chosen to avoid diacritics as much as possible, under a one sound one symbol policy, or may even be restricted to the ASCII symbols of a typical keyboard. For example, the English word church may be transcribed as in church. A close approximation of its actual pronunciation, or more abstractly as /crc/, which is easier to type. Phonemic symbols should always be explained, especially when they are as divergent from actual / Occasionally a transcription will be enclosed in pipes (| |). This goes beyond phonology into morphological analysis. For example, the words pets and beds could be transcribed phonetically as and (in a fairly narrow transcript ion), and phonemically as /pets/ and /bedz/. Because /s/ and /z/ are separate phonemes in English, they receive separate symbols in the phonemic analysis. However, you probably recognize that underneath this, they represent the same plural ending. This can be indicated with the pipe notation. If you believe the plural ending is essentially an s, as English spelling would suggest, the words can be transcribed |pets| and |beds|. If, as most linguists would probably suggest, it is essentially a z, these would be |petz| and |bedz|. To avoid confusion with IPA symbols, it may be desirable to specify when native orthography is being used, so that, for example, the English word jet is not read as yet. This is done with angle brackets or chevrons: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹jetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º. It is also common to italicize such words, but the chevrons indicate specifically that they are in the original languages orthography, and not in English transliteration. Symbol and Sounds: The International Phonetic Alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet, using as few non-Latin forms as possible.The Association created the IPA so that the sound values of most consonants taken from the Latin alphabet would correspond to international usage. Hence, the letters à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹bà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹dà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹fà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, (hard) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹Ãƒâ€°Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, (non-silent) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹hà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, (unaspirated) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹kà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹là ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹mà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹nà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, (unaspirated) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹pà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, (voiceless) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹sà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, (unaspirated) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹tà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹và ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹wà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹zà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º have the values used in English; and the vowels from the Latin alphabet (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹aà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹eà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢ â‚ ¬Ã‚ ¹ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹uà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º) correspond to the sound values of Latin: [i] is like the vowel in machine, [u] is as in rule, etc. Other letters may differ from English, but are used with these values in other European languages, such as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹jà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹rà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹yà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º. This inventory was extended by using capital or cursive forms, diacritics, and rotation. There are also several derived or taken from the Greek alphabet, though the sound values may differ. For example, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ †¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º is a vowel in Greek, but an only indirectly related consonant in the IPA. Two of these (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ †¡Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º) are used unmodified in form; for others (including à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ²Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹Ãƒâ€°Ã‚ £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹Ãƒâ€°Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹Ãƒâ€°Ã‚ ¸Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ †¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º) subtly different glyph shapes have been devised, which may be encoded in Unicode separately from their parent letters. The sound values of modified Latin letters can often be derived from those of the original letters. For example, letters with a rightward-facing hook at the bottom represent retroflex consonants; and small capital letters usually represent uvular consonants. Apart from the fact that certain kinds of modification to the shape of a letter generally correspond to certain kinds of modification to the sound represented, there is no way to deduce the sound represented by a symbol from the shape of the symbol (unlike, for example, in Visible Speech). Beyond the letters themselves, there are a variety of secondary symbols which aid in transcription. Diacritic marks can be combined with IPA letters to transcribe modified phonetic values or secondary articulations. There are also special symbols for suprasegmental features such as stress and tone that are often employed. Letter Forms: The symbols chosen for the IPA are meant to harmonize with the Latin alphabet.For this reason, most symbols are either Latin or Greek letters, or modifications thereof. However, there are symbols that are neither: for example, the symbol denoting the glottal stop, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ †à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, has the form of a gelded question mark, and was originally an apostrophe. In fact, there are a few symbols, such as that of the voiced pharyngeal fricative, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ †¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, which, though modified to blend with the Latin alphabet, were inspired by glyphs in other writing systems (in this case, the Arabic letter `ain) Despite its preference for letters that harmonize with the Latin alphabet, the International Phonetic Association has occasionally admitted symbols that do not have this property. For example, before 1989, the IPA symbols for click consonants were à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ ËÅ"à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ †¡Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ -à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ -à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, all of which were derived either from existing symbols, or from Latin and Greek letters. However, except for à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ ËÅ"à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, none of these symbols was widely used among Khoisanists or Bantuists, and as a result they were replaced by the more widespread symbols à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ ËÅ"à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹Ãƒâ€¡Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹Ãƒâ€¡Ã†â€™Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹Ãƒâ€¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹Ãƒâ€¡Ã‚ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º at the IPA Kiel Convention in 1989. Some of the new symbols were ordinary Roman letters typeset turned (= upside-down) (e.g. ÊÅ ½ É ¥ Éâ„ ¢ Ɇɠ¹ à ¡Ã‚ ´Ã… ¡), which was easily done before mechanical typesetting machines came into use. Usage: Although the IPA offers over a hundred symbols for transcribing speech, it is not necessary to use all relevant symbols at the same time; it is possible to transcribe speech with various levels of precision. A precise phonetic transcription, in which sounds are described in a great deal of detail, is known as a narrow transcription. A coarser transcription which ignores some of this detail is called a broad transcription. Both are relative terms, and both are generally enclosed in square brackets. Broad phonetic transcriptions may restrict themselves to easily heard details, or only to details that are relevant to the discussion at hand, and may differ little if at all from phonemic transcriptions, but they make no theoretical claim that all the distinctions transcribed are necessarily meaningful in the language. Phonetic transcriptions of the word international in two English dialects. The square brackets indicate that the differences between these dialects are not necessarily sufficient to distinguish different words in English. For example, the English word little may be transcribed broadly using the IPA as [ˈlÉ ªtÉâ„ ¢l], and this broad (imprecise) transcription is an accurate (approximately correct) description of many pronunciations. It is customary to use simpler letters, without a lot of diacritics, in phonemic transcriptions. The choice of IPA letters may reflect the theoretical claims of the author, or merely be a convenience for typesetting. For instance, in English, either the vowel of pick or the vowel of peak may be transcribed as /i/ (for the pairs /pik, piË k/ or /pÉ ªk, pik/), and neither is identical to the vowel of the French word pique which is also generally transcribed /i/. That is, letters between slashes do not have absolute values, something true of broader phonetic approximations as well. A narrow transcription may, however, be used to distinguish them: [pÊ °Ãƒâ€°Ã‚ ªk], [pÊ °iË k], [pik].
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Neuropsychology & Spouse/Family Members :: Chemistry Chemical Neuropsychological Papers
I intend to explore the effects of a parietal brain injury from the perspective of a neuropsychologist; ranging from types of tests that are employed when trying to determine the extent of the damage, to gaining an understanding of how this damage will affect the rest of the brain and/or the body. I will also explore the effects of a brain injury from the perspective of the family members, and their experiences with the changes that occur during the rehabilitation process. According to The Neuropsychology Center, â€Å"neuropsychological assessment is a systematic clinical diagnostic procedure used to determine the extent of any possible behavioral deficits following diagnosed or suspected brain injury†( As mentioned previously, a brain injury can be the result of many types of injuries or disorders, thus a broad range of assessment procedures have been developed to encompass these possibilities. Two types of assessment procedures that are currently being used are the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB), and the Halstead Russell Neuropsychological Evaluation System (HRNES-R). The LNNB is used to diagnose cognitive deficits, while the HRNES-R indicates both the presence and degree of impairment. Both procedures involve tasks that require the patient to complete a series of functions that test abilities and/or perceptions. Such tasks would include, but are not limited to, problem solving, memory, sensorimotor functioning, and psychological/emotional status. Other testing procedures that are commonly employed, in order to gain a better visual image of the excitatory activity in the brain are the PET scan and the MRI. According to Kalat (2004), these methods are non-invasive, meaning that they don’t require the insertion of objects into the brain, yet they yield results that allow researchers to record brain activity. The PET scan (positron emission tomography) involves the researcher injecting a radioactive chemical into the patient’s body, which is then absorbed mainly by the brain’s most active cells. With the use of radioactive detectors, placed around the patient’s head, a map is produced that shows which areas of the brain are most active. The MRI, on the other hand is less expensive and much safer (as it doesn’t expose the patient to potentially harmful radioactive chemicals). The MRI or magnetic resonance imaging device, as an safer alternative, applies a powerful magnetic field around the head of the patient.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Northern Cascades National Park :: essays research papers
The purpose of this paper is to give you some background information on Northern Cascades National Park and to talk about the management techniques the park uses to preserve it. Northern Cascades National Park became a national park on Oct 2, 1968, when Lyndon Johnson sighed the North Cascades Act. Twenty years later congress designated 93% of the park as a Stephen Mater Wilderness. When congress declares an area as â€Å"wilderness,†it provides extra protection against human impact. Northern Cascades National Park is mostly used for backpackers and mountain climbers, who have little impact on the park. There is one gravel road open to the public that is in the park, but very few people utilize it. Each year Northern Cascades National Park receives about 400,000 visitors for recreational purposes. Native Americans were amongst the first to use this area. Four Indian tribes inhabited the Cascades; the Upper Skagits, Sauk, Suiattle, and Swinomish who were attracted to this area for its plentiful resources. By the 1770’s there was Euro American presence in the Cascades. The Euro Americans used this area to get furs and pelts for trading. The beaver, wolf, and grizzly bear were the most sought after pelts in the cascades, do to their abundance. Later many would come to mine the cascades, but there wasn’t much of what they were looking for. Northern Cascades National Park is about 684,000 acres and encompasses Ross Lake and Lake Chelan National Recreation Area. In today’s society there are very few wilderness areas that aren’t impacted by human activity like Northern Cascades National Park. Many areas within the park have had little human intervention. In many areas of the park the only human impact is coming form air and water pollution, which doesn’t sound good. But this is still a lot less impact than other parks receive. The Cascades stretch as far south as California and continues north to British Columbia. The cascade mountain range didn’t used to be part of North America, but millions of years ago it attached itself do to accumulation of sediment, colliding tectonic plates, and volcanic activity ( The Cascades is one of the youngest mountain ranges in the world and one of the fasting growing. Depending where you are in the park the climate can dramatically change. From the hundreds of small lakes and rivers that sculpt the lowlands to the mountain tops that reach up to 1000
Friday, October 11, 2019
Ratatouille Sound Film Analysis Essay
In all types of film, especially with animation, the images that are created on screen visually engage the audience to the world of the film, yet in order to fully experience all that the film has to offer, the visual aspects are only half of the importance. Sound design makes up that other half of the cinematic experience, and engages senses other than the visual in order to immerse the audience into the film. In Brad Bird’s animated film Ratatouille (2007), sound designer Randy Thom creates a rich sonic world for a film that’s plot is based around a rat who experiences the same senses that humans do. Since a rat usually seems to have no similarities to humans, Thom makes sure to use sound to emphasize Remy and how in his perspective, he is able to relate to the humans, but in the human’s perspective, Remy is still just a rat. Thom’s use of sound in animated film is unique and allows the spectator through the correct use of sound, the ability to perceive the Remy’s exceptional senses of smell and taste, which is are the two most key aspects of cooking in real life and in the film. The sound design combined with the incredible animation of Ratatouille (2007) allows the audience to sensually experience the film as if they were right there in the chaotic kitchen, and feel the authenticity of the location in the culinary capital of the world, Paris. In animated film, especially with Disney and Pixar films, characters that’s are animals are often given human-like features and abilities. In Ratatouille (2007), Remy the rat has the incredible senses of smell and taste, which allow him to fulfill his dream of becoming a chef. This is an idea that is quite contradictory to real life, so director Brad Bird and sound designer Randy Thom do an amazing job of balancing it out by making Remy seem more human like in his perspective, and more like a rat in the human’s perspective. For example, when introduced to Remy, he is the narrator, and we hear is voice as a non-diegetic sound, which allows us to think we are in the mind of Remy. His voice is a man’s voice, and we can assume that he has the full capacity of understanding everything just as a human would. While speaking amongst other rats, the sounds he makes are very similar to that of a human, and he even stands on two feet like one. Yet when we are seeing Remy in the kitchen, and see him just as one of the people on the kitchen would, the sounds change. The â€Å"pitter-patter†sound of his tiny rat feet is heightened in volume, and each footstep is clearer than before. This emphasis on his footsteps reminds the viewer that while in Remy’s mind he sounds and thinks like a human would, through the perspective of a human in the film, he is still just a scurrying rat. Another example is when Alfredo Linguini is ordered to dispose of the rat, we see Remy and Linguini’s first interaction alone and without any other humans to judge Remy’s ability to understand humans. Through Linguini’s perspective, Remy can hear and understand what he is saying, but he cannot respond with words, only with nods, squeaks, quivering whiskers, and quiet sniffles. These diegetic sounds can be heard clearly even though they are soft and dainty, just like the footsteps. The sniffles are especially important because they represent Remy’s heightened senses, which become an entirely different aspect of the film that is given meaning through sound. In the world of cuisine and cooking, the two senses most frequently used and appreciated are smell a nd taste. The combination of the two can create amazing culinary experiences, and make a meal more than just eating, but a complete sensual experience. One of Thom’s main goals throughout the film was to manipulate pitch, volume, and timbre in order to give the characters their own senses that can reflect from the screen to the audience where they can feel as if they are experiencing the same scents and tastes that Remy is. Just as discussed before, when oberserving Remy in his element of cooking and creating delicious food combinations, the sounds he makes are not only louder and more amplified, but clearer. For example, in the opening scenes of the film, Remy is trying to find food that is good enough quality for his senses unlike the rest of his rat companions who will seem to eat anything that is not covered in poison. He stumbles upon a piece of cheese, and his attention is immediately focused on the smell. His nose become such an iconic symbol in the film, and the sniffing of foods is so well-defined that the audience is able to imagine exactly what that piece of cheese smells like. Since smell has sounds that can be or iented with the nose and sniffling, its is less complicated than trying to portray taste, which has little sound affect since it is completely individual and unique to each person. In order to get the audience to be able to feel the experience of what Remy tastes, director Brad Bird hired artist Michael Gagne as the Taste Visualization Designer to create a series of animated vignettes that would accompany sound as Remy tastes certain foods. The visuals he created displayed colorful animated graphics for the taste of cheese and strawberry, and then a mixture of the two tastes. The visuals work very well with the two foods, but can only do so much when it comes to stimulating the audience’s senses. The rest of the work comes to Randy Thom and the rest of his sound design team to create sounds that will perfectly accompany the graphics to create a complete sense of taste. Thom uses different segments of music that seems to work perfectly with each food. When Remy takes the bite of cheese, smooth, creamy-like music plays, yet with the strawberry a louder more vivacious tune is heard. Then as Remy takes a bite of each at the same time, a firework of sounds occurs to compare to Remy’s taste bud explosion. This blend of graphics and music creates a sensual experience that leave the audience imagining exactly what Remy tastes. When thinking of Paris, France, common words to come to most minds are fancy, sophisticated, and romantic. Since these words are such a huge part of the vibe of the city, Randy Thom wanted to make sure that the sounds of the film really gave the audience the authenticity of the setting, and reflect the character of Paris. Aside from authentic French accents in many of the main character’s voices, especially the chef’s, Thom incorporates orchestrated music that would be heard in the city, and even background mumbling of actual French speaking people. In the background of most parts of the restaurant, Thom had murmurings of people actually speaking French and having real conversation to make the background noise more authentic to the setting. Along with the setting of the film, most fancy five-star restaurants the vibe most guests want to feel is calm and sophisticated. This is the opposite of what is usually going on behind the scenes in the restaurant’s kitchen. The kitchen is where the magic happens, and where the culinary art form comes to life. The tools that create the food are just as important as the ingredients, and the act of cooking requires many tools and utensils. In the film, Thom really emphasizes the sounds of these utensils, which makes the cooking easy to accept as real since the sounds are so accurate to a real life kitchen. The clinking of pots and pans is especially noticeable in the kitchen, and the pitch is a lot higher than other noises in the kitchen. The pots, pans, and utensils are such an impo rtant part of the kitchen, and allow the spectator to relate to the sounds by noticing how many different meals are cooked at once in the kitchen. In an interview with Randy Thom, he explains that almost all of the sounds from the kitchen were composed from scratch by his design team and were individually created by recording the real life actions in the kitchen and putting them into the animation. Another aspect of the kitchen that seems to be especially emphasized through sound is the blending of foods, especially liquids. Thom differentiates between the sound effects of a pot of just plain water and a pot of creamy soup. The pot of water, when Remy falls into it, the sound is at first a loud splash, and then a very clear and fluid underwater noise. Yet when Remy is cooking his own special soup, he puts together multiple ingredients, dropping them into the boiling pot of broth. The sound of dense objects hitting the soup is so accurate and sounds more like a â€Å"plop†rather than a splash. While the sound of mixed ingredients may seem insignificant to the films overall affect, these sounds allow the audience to under stand the consistency of the food and imagine the texture that goes with it. Once again, the senses are being put to use without even noticing it, which Thom really put effort into doing with this film since the whole plot is based around food. In an interview with Randy Thom, he explained that while most people assume that image is created and then sound is later added to spruce it up, he finds that to be a myth worth busting. He feels that sound is just as important of a component as image, and if anything adds more life to the film than image does. Sound allows the audience to relate to the sounds they hear in the film to the sounds they hear in real life. These connections make it easier for the spectator to understand the emotions and themes being laid out and therefore they can better understand the film as a whole. With a film such as Ratatouille (2007), it seems difficult for the audience to relate to a rat who can cook, so Brad Bird and Randy Thom worked together to create a masterpiece that can continue to display the incredible animation yet through sound allow the audience to relate to not just the emotions, but the senses from the film. Through creative construction and extremely close attention to detail, the sound design of Ratatouille (2007) will leave viewers in a rich experience that will literally leave their mouths watering. Annotated Bibliography Barsam, Richard, and Dave Monahan. Looking at Movies; an Introduction to Film. Third Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2010. 368-407. Print. Barsam and Monahan cover all aspects of the world of sound design from the purpose of sound in film to how it is created, and to how it affects the audience. When spectators are experiencing a film, if engaged properly, they use both senses of hearing and vision to perceive what is happening on the screen. Without one or the other, the film lacks proper perception from the audience, which is the whole point of the film. Barsam and Monahan spend a great amount of effort explaining the basic concept of sound in film, and analyze the different characteristics that audio has. Sound is an especially complex field because it decorates the images on screen, and heightens the experience visually through audio. The process of sound design consists of carefully choosing and recording sounds, editing those sounds, and then masterfully mixing them so that they can perfectly synchronize with what is visually seen on the screen. The main types of sound that the audience will experience during a film are vocal sounds and dialogue, sounds from the environment and world of the film (also known as diegetic sounds), music, and silence, which is actually the lack of sound yet still adds so much meaning and emotion to an on screen image. Sound in film intensifies the image and in most cases allows the audience to relate to the world of the film and be aware of both space and time within the means of the world of the film. Simple alterations in sounds from the pitch, amplitude, or volume of the noise can completely change or alter the audience’s perception of what is happening in the film. By the end of Barsam and Monahan’s chapter about sound design, the reader can understand most all aspects of sound in film, and how each characteristic is taken into account when being put into a film in order to fully allow the spectator to experience the film both on a visual and audible level. Sider, Larry. â€Å"If you wish to see, listen; The role of sound design.†Journal of Media Practice 4.1 (2003): 5-15. Through in depth analysis and argument, Sider creates an article that explains the great importance of sound in film, and how when combined with visual elements, allows the spectator to fully engage and understand the film on a deeper level than just watching a screen. Sider explains how the industry, technology, and use of sound in film had changed from when the â€Å"sound designer†was created in the 1960’s by Walter Murch. Back then, sound was simply an added affect to film, whereas now sound completely creates another dimension to cinema. Sound and music make the image on screen multi-faceted and add not only emotion, but completely changes the picture just by adding an audio. On the other side of sound design, Sider shows the difficulties with creating sound in film. The sound designer not only has to know and understand the sounds in which we all hear, but they must completely understand the sounds from the world of the film they are working on. Knowing every diegetic and non-diegetic sound of the film’s story is complex yet engages the spectator more than they will ever realize. The job of the sound designer is not just to control and input dialogue into a film, but control and create every sound effect and somehow integrate it into the life of the film, not the other way around. Sider effectively explains how complex the job of a sound designer has become, and how their work engages the viewer on a new level, and gives the image life. Thom, Randy. Interviewed by Jake Riehle. â€Å"Ratatouille-Exclusive Interview with Sound Designer Randy Thom†. Designing Sound; Art and Technique of Sound Design. 26 June 2007. Web. 2011. Sound editor and mixer Jake Reihle interviews the well known sound designer Randy Thom to learn about his recent work on the animated film, Ratatouille (2007). Thom specializes in sound design within animated films, and in recent years won the Academy Award for best sound editing in the Pixar animated film The Incredibles(2004). Riehle asks Thom what aspects of sound design in animated film differ from live-action films, and the heightened amount of detail to sound is what Thom described as a main difference. In Ratatouille (2007) specifically, there are so many details within the sounds that all together create a different affect than expected. For example, when the wind is blowing through the underground sewer pipes, each wind sound is different, but together the sounds created a musical essence that worked extremely well with the mood of Ratatouille himself, and gave life to the rigid and cold nature of the underground world that the rats live in. Another major difference between animated sound and live on-screen sound is the pace and rate at which Thom does his work. In the early stages of work, he notices that animated films tend to lack music and sound effects and focus more upon dialogue to set up the story, but Thom likes to make space to add music in a useful way in which the effects and music add to the dialogue, not take away from the dialogue. Reihle also goes into the stages in which Thom likes to mix and edit his sound effects, and how the budgeting of animated films differs from live action films. An interesting fact, Thom began his career at Skywalker Sound by writing a personal essay to Walker Murch, the man who is said to have invented the â€Å"sound designer†. Reihle’s interview with the sound designer Randy Thom gives very useful information on comparing and analyzing the differences of sound design within animated films and live-action films. Thom, Randy. â€Å"Designing A Movie For Sound†. Learning Space Dedicated to the Art and Analyses of Film Sound Design. 1999. Web. 2011 Academy Award winning sound designer Randy Thom provides readers with an article about the subject he knows best, sound in film. He defines exactly what sound design is, describes what it really is that he does, and crushes myths and ideas that many people have about film sound designers. Thom argues that what most people think passes as â€Å"great sound†in film is loud, boisterous noises, which is definitely not always, and rarely true through the opinion of a sound designer. Thom believes that truly great sounds in film are well orchestrated and are integrated into the film as a whole, rather than just into specific scenes and moments during the film. This creates a better sense of continuity and fluidity within the sounds of the film. Thom feels that rather than create a film and then hire a talented team to fabricate certain sounds, the film should be designed and created with the sounds in mind. The story, images and sound should be created and built simultaneously so that the sound contributions can affect the other aspects of the film and add even more continuity. Every aspect of film, even the cinematography, affects how sound works, and its purpose. From extreme close-ups to dutch angles and moving cameras, sound has a different role in every shot, whether it is music, dialogue, background noise, or even silence. The author also describes in detail each step of how sound designers, composers, and sound editors go about creating their work within each stage of the production process including pre-production and post-production. Randy Thom is an extremely well-known film sound designer, and his personal insight into the world of sound design is eye opening and fresh. He explains the ideas of sound in film on both a basic and deep level while questioning many ideas and myths that are believed about the sound design world today.
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