Space themed writing paper
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Christmas Carol Analysis Essay Example For Students
A Christmas Carol Analysis Essay Look at in detail Dickens depiction of the blemishes in the Victorian training framework in his novel Nicholas Nickleby. What were his points in introducing Dotheboys Hall to his perusers? To degree was he fruitful in accomplishing his aims?â Charles Dickens was one of the most mainstream authors throughout the entire existence of writing. He was conceived on the seventh February 1812 in Portsmouth. Dickens burned through the vast majority of his adolescence in London and in Kent, both which show up as often as possible in his books. As a youngster he proceeded to compose numerous popular books, for example, David Copperfield, A Christmas Carol and Nicholas Nickleby. Nicholas Nickleby was composed and serialized somewhere in the range of 1838 and 1839 it was afterward distributed as a novel in 1839 and afterward again in 1848. The epic is about a man called Nicholas Nickleby who went to function as a youthful educator at an all young men life experience school in Yorkshire set in early Victorian occasions. Every one of his triumphs were shadowed by residential unhappiness.Dickens relations with a youthful on-screen character called Ellen Ternan prompted his partition from his better half in 1858. Sadly a Stroke prompted his demise on the ninth June 1870 and he was covered in Westminster. The focal point of the novel is about the experiences and mis-fortunes of Nicholas Nickleby. Dotheboys Hall is a young men live-in school set in Yorkshire. It is imagined that it might be founded on another school called Bowes Academy which was likewise set in Yorkshire. The school is ran by a man named Mr Wackford Squeers who is carelessly brutal to the youngsters. His better half likewise helps at the school and is similarly as hard as he. Mr Squeers intends to have all out control over the kids and to turn out to be exceptionally rich by taking their cash and possessions. Having read part eight the conditions are horrible and undesirable. One of the main happening that shows horrifying conditions in the school, is that there is no water in light of the fact that the water siphon has solidified. Be content with giving yourself a dry clean till we break the ice on the well, and can get a pail full out for the boys. The young men can't have a wash or clean their teeth with clean water when they arose in the morning. The primary rooms are awful; Nicholas Nickleby depicts them as A uncovered and filthy room, with two or three windows, whereof a tenth part may be of glass, the rest of plugged up with old duplicate book and paper. By not in any event, tidying up the rooms or fixing the windows shows the amount he couldn't care less for any of the kids that go to his school. The dividers were so recolored a discoloured. Although Squeers has all the cash picked up from the kids and their folks he can't make the structure look appealing. The soil and grayness makes the spot very unwelcoming and haunting. Nicholas couldn't however watch the quiet and bitterness of the considerable number of young men in the school room. The dreadful conditions depressingly affect Nicholas Nickleby and he says That if demise could have happened upon him around then, he would have been practically glad to meet it. The conditions are terrible to such an extent that I think even the youngsters may consider fleeing or even self destruction sooner or later during their time at Dotheboys Hall. Thus all these tremendous conditions are down to one Mr Wackford Squeers. Mr Squeers is the headteacher of the school; he is one of the most frightful and sly characters in any of Dickens books. For breakfast the young men are taken care of Brimstone and Treacle. The primary reasons they are taken care of this is on the grounds that it ruins their hungers and comes less expensive than a full breakfast and supper. Mrs Squeers who helps serve the Brimstone and Treacle is similarly as savage as her significant other. The main distinction is that he is attentive and she is open and not terrified to give her severity. Mrs Squeers remains at one of the work areas managing the massive bowl of the blend. She manages an enormous spoonful to every kid in progression, utilizing for the reason a typical wooden spoon that augments everyones mouth extensively. On the off chance that they didn't take in the entire of the bowl at a wheeze they were met by a beating. .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .postImageUrl , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:hover , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:visited , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:active { border:0!important; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:active , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:hover { darkness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u7b4e1a26706b990 7165a64e31a95afb9 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Immortal Hopes of Animal Farm EssayMr and Mrs Squeers couldn't care less for the young men by any stretch of the imagination; all they are worried about is picking up influence and getting rich. Their child who likewise goes to Dotheboys Hall is dealt with uniquely in contrast to the others, which is normal. At the point when new youngsters show up Mr Squeers takes a portion of their effects in the event that he thinks they are helpful for his own son. He himself isn't accomplished and professes to himself and the students that he knows Latin and educators the kids the mistaken spellings. C-l-e-a-n, clean, action word dynamic, to make brilliant, to scour. W-I-n, win, d-e-r, der, winder, a casement. At the point when a kid realizes this out of book, he proceeds to do it.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Hip Hop and the Crack Epidemic Essays
Hip Hop and the Crack Epidemic Essays Hip Hop and the Crack Epidemic Paper Hip Hop and the Crack Epidemic Paper It was during the mid-1980s that the development of another smokable type of cocaine, called break, had been acquainted with the United States. Break, was exceptionally addictive and moved through ruined territories of urban communities, for example, New York, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Miami. At long last it caused annihilating impacts for dark and Latino Americans. As rocks was turning into a troubling and rising pandemic, hip jump was advancing close by it. It was during the 1980s that rocks and hip jump turned into the two driving basics of urban road culture. It isn't recommended that hip jump caused the split scourge, or the other way around. However, it tends to be contended that both took care of off one another, especially hip bounce off the split culture itself. Rocks immediately picked up prevalence among clients during the 1980s because of its modest expense, and the speedy, extreme high it left. Contrasted with freebase cocaine, which included a confounded custom including Ether, rocks had gotten shortsighted and simpler to oversee. The medication was â€Å"made from powder cocaine, but since its creation [did] not require the utilization of combustible solvents, it [was] more secure to make than freebase cocaine†(Watson). It had been destitution blasted, Donnell â€Å"Freeway Ricky†Ross, who figured out how to disentangle the free basing process by utilizing heating soft drink rather than Ether. Ross got unbelievable for spreading the thought connected with the arrangement of â€Å"ready rock†, which permitted the medication to be smoked momentarily (Planet Rock). In all actuality, rocks had been a medication initially utilized among rich, Caucasian, Americans because of its high selling cost. With the production of â€Å"ready rock†, the medication was not, at this point carefully utilized among the well off. It was during the 80s when rocks had the option to wander away from the faces it once knew, and move into downtown, urban regions. The large scale manufacturing of â€Å"ready rock†put an entirely different curve on the medication game (Planet Rock). Rocks before long carried savagery and disaster to the avenues of America. Louis Freese (otherwise called B-Real, from the hip jump bunch Cypress Hill) clarified, â€Å"You had the pack bangers executing one another. You had the street pharmacists doing combating for domain. It resembled the wild, wild west when split came [along]. †The medication had hit during the downturn of the mid 80s. At the time individuals were battling and confronting destitution, alongside the way that joblessness was at a record high. Break turned out to be anything but difficult to go over, simple to sell, and in this way simple to get by off of. Occupations were moderate, so individuals in urban regions went to the way of life of selling drugs. This thought had been clarified impeccably, â€Å"You are a youngster and maybe scarcely that. You live in a downtown ghetto. You most likely have dropped out of school and you get an opportunity to win $1,000 per week †¦ selling break. What do you do? You sell crack†(Plant Rock). Basic as that. The breakdown of downtown economy had made another lifestyle; an economy dependent on drugs†(Planet Rock). Break someone who is addicted guardians couldn't have cared less about their kids and ladies would prostitute themselves to pay for their own â€Å"thrill†. The medication was so amazing, it purged the minimal expenditure indiv iduals had from their pockets, into those of street pharmacists. Meanwhile, hip jump had begun detonating during the 80s and cocaine was viewed as â€Å"fly†; molding the way of life at that point. It was the street pharmacists, observers, and individuals who smoked rocks themselves that needed their voices to be heard. Hip jump turned into the soundtrack of their encounters, regardless of whether it was legitimately or in a roundabout way identified with the rocks plague. Rappers were turning into the voice of a gathering of individuals. At that point, rocks vendors were at last financing hip jump, regardless of whether it was for the achievement of their vocation or somebody else’s. Eric Wright (Eazy-E) was the establishing individual from the rap bunch N. W. A. He had utilized his medication cash to fund his own name known as Ruthless Records. â€Å"Eazy-E was a man that characterized criminal rap for an age. He concocted the picture and style of the hoodlum rapper, which was practically more significant than the music itself†(Eriewine). There is little inquiry that he originated from the lanes, however this had been a developing examination among the relationship of hip jump and the break age. â€Å"Not just blacked young people in comparable circumstances identify with what Eazy was discussing, yet white rural children fantasized about being in his situation†(Eriewine). The rocks business kept on flourishing. â€Å"Freeway Rick was at the highest point of his game and assisting with spreading split over the country†(Planet Rock). To start with, split had just been found by the DEA, to be secluded in seven significant urban areas. Around a year from that point forward, it was found to have spread to in excess of 40 distinct urban communities over the United States; including Dallas and Des Moines, Iowa (Planet Rock). It arrived at a point where individuals originated from all over just to purchase the medication. â€Å"It was somewhat similar to sending out a business nearly or trading a product†(Planet Rock). Throw D of Public Enemy expressed, â€Å"City by city, this white tornado was whirling on; simply clearing out dark America. We said we needed to plan something for cause this to appear to be exceptionally ugly to a youthful crowd. †Public Enemy’s in your face track, â€Å"Night of the Living Baseheads†, turned into an enemy of break epic. It was accords, among the gathering, that rocks was horrifying. â€Å"4, 5 o’clock in the mornin’, hold up a moment y’all/The monsters are fiendin’/Day to everyday they state no other way/This stuff is downright terrible, I’m talkin’ ‘bout †¦ BASS†(Public Enemy). Break bosses were before long being brought down. The genuine war on medications would be led against low-level street pharmacists; those selling split in the city. These children were getting condemned at a rate that was multiple times higher than those condemned for cocaine powder (Planet Rock). President Bush needed to split down, so they took action against everyone. From this second on, there would be individuals scrutinizing the adequacy of the War on Drugs. Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. otherwise called Snoop Dogg, was up to speed in this mania when he was busted for selling rocks at one of his typical spots. In a declaration he expressed, â€Å"I didn’t feel like I was doing anything incorrectly. I wasn’t shooting anyone. I wasn’t assaulting anyone. I wasn’t burglarizing anyone. I was giving someone a help for what they were paying me for. †Snoop was a piece of a national pattern of mass imprisonment that will see 1 out of 3 youthful dark guys in America made up for lost time in the equity framework (Planet Rock). Educator of Law, Paul Butler clarified, â€Å"The youthful dark men who were the essential makers of hip bounce, are the most imprisoned gathering throughout the entire existence of the world. †As they went to hip bounce, the tricksters of the break age would record the entirety of their encounters in rhyme. In doing as such, they would change the course of mainstream music and culture. In the lanes, jail or passing was ensured. Hip jump had a voice which is the reason many began rapping. Styles of rap managed people’s style of living. In 1991, Cypress Hill had enough fascination in the music business that they were truly ready to leave the medication business for good. â€Å"It was continually attempting to make mindfulness. This was the existence that we were luckily ready to get out of†(Planet Rock). Numerous really accept that in the event that it was not for the rap game, split would in any case be a prevailing power in their lives (Planet Rock). They express the best way to fix an absence of expectation is to make opportunity, and for the break age, hip jump spoke to the most ideal way out they were ever going to get. Various ex-split vendors were getting through to become prevailing players in the hip jump business. Another time was starting, as youngsters who hustled during the 80s, were betraying managing break by and large. Wu-Tang Clan, who were all ex-convicts, joined the correct music and got effective. They set an outline for in-your-face hip bounce of that decade (Planet Rock). For all intents and purposes each rapper who has tagged along from the mid 90s and going ahead either is rapping about rocks, or needs to make some reference to the break exchange on the grounds that it’s so unavoidable in the details of their lives and the lives of the culture†(Planet Rock). One can dissect the music of hip bounce specialists during the 80s and see the story being told inside their verses. â€Å"We used to bat tle for building squares/Now we battle for obstructs with structures that make a killin’†Jay-Z’s early days as a street pharmacist subsidized his initial rap profession that carried him to the very point where he is a major part of his life today. His superstardom permitted different rappers to sparkle without throwing rocks†(Landoli). â€Å"First of all I need to thank my interface/The most notable individual, with all due regard/Thanks to the duffle sack, the earthy colored paper pack/The Nike shoe box for holding this money/Boys in blue who put green before the identification/The primary pusher whoever made the stash†(Jay-Z) Basically Jay-Z is giving a â€Å"thank you†discourse in this melody, recognizing everyone and everything that helped him succeed. All in all, the split age was an impetus for another period in hip bounce. Behind the jail sentences and killings, lies an exemplary story of American reevaluation that took these children structure the hard boulevards of the ghetto, to the zenith of accomplishment. Who might have envisioned so much would originate from split; an evil presence sedate. These examples of overcoming adversity are from an age of pariahs and hoodlums went to VIPs. That is the po
Groups and the Social Systems of People in Interaction
Question: Depict about the Groups and the Social Systems of People in Interaction. Answer: The there conversation begins with a prologue to all the gathering individuals when the gathering is met to help every single gathering part know the undertaking where he/she is assigned. The minority individuals ought to have plentiful chance to add to the gathering and their perspective are deliberately thought of. I will encourage the gathering focused as opposed to the pioneer focused collaboration designs. As the individual responsible for the foundation and upkeep of powerful collaboration designs, I will be in a situation to acquaint with factors that can change correspondence examples, for example, prompts and cooperations that individuals get for trades. There are securities that create between bunch individuals just as the subgroup that exist in the network recuperation and coordination gathering. This will help in picking the most fitting abilities to execute in leading the gathering, the assets that will be adequate enough for all the gathering individuals and distribute them to meet their particular need. The initiative in the network put together projects is based with respect to power and status relationship. The reason for the gathering The reason for the gathering is catastrophe the board and easing of destitution brought about by common disasters. The gathering is proposed to enable the individuals with assets regarding network advancement subsidizes which will be used in bringing back the wrecked parts in the past request. Through no administrative obstruction the network is easing political impedance by drawing in the NGO to accord the help to the individuals. The gathering will examine proportions of forestalling the pulverization of property by floods and the medical problems that develop because of floods. Nourishments cause wellbeing sicknesses by utilization of destructive water which has been polluted. The gathering will show the network on significant water treatment strategies that will make water ok for utilization. The gathering will upgrade food reliance among the network individuals with adequate t food creation by improving strategies for cultivating and additive measures. There is defending of the network monetary exercises through food in building up the cultivating among the individuals. The setting of activity The gathering is to examine matters of calamity the board and give aptitudes of dealing with the monetary social and social exercises. The principle issue that the gathering is planned to slave is adapting to the floods that are brought about by the substantial downpours soil disintegration. The will give flood gauges and admonitions to the network to get ready satisfactorily and limit the impacts of these floods. The improvement plans will involve the structure of catchment zones where water van be controlled and coordinated in one focus, The gathering will survey maps for nearby flood chance administration. Create plants and assets to be executed in assisting with adapting to the test. There will be satisfactory meeting with the general public, appropriate investigation, and conveyance arranging. The Role of the gathering as a water and Sewerage Company The gathering will deal with the danger of flooding to water to flooding in these zones. There is sewerage offices and redesigning the framework to manage floods. The people group improvement bunch is concentrating on building the strength frameworks and fundamental administrations during the crisis event. Upkeep of the water gracefully to diminish the contamination to the earth is the issue of concern and assurance of water catchment. They give counsel to the effects on nearby nourishments and the dangers. The gathering will work with designers and landowners to teach them on most proper techniques to keep up their territory. The working will guarantee the measure of water entering the sewerage framework can be suited by the funnels and without blasting. Starting the capital speculation intends to help the above work and food of the representatives to be taking a shot at these advancement ventures. The administration of characteristic natural surroundings is the other issue that wil l be the motivation behind the gathering. The enrollment of the gathering is assorted Groups are a type of social frameworks made of individuals who are occupied with communication and permits various individuals to join contingent upon their turnover, there will be improvement of a basic structure to assist individuals with having the option to coordinate into the recuperation plan consequently the wellbeing is set in front of their own advantage. The enlistment rules depend on intentional eagerness and proceeded with fascination which relies upon the correlation level for choices. There are desires and delights of new individuals with past gathering encounters which go about as the main impetus towards new section and in this manner selecting them into the framework. They will intently deal with the degrees of water in the courses. Improvement of seepage frameworks and siphoning to lessen the hazard related with flooding. The individuals with exclusive requirements for a gathering and no expectation of arriving at the degrees of achieving fulfillment are pulled in to the gathering all the more frequently. The other strategy for enlistment is the place the volunteers fundamentally apparent different individuals being comparable and as the potential companions on an individual level and would take part in discussions that were not identified with the gathering task. The gathering is remunerating in encounters for individuals and therefore the outcasts think that its alluring such that they couldn't have achieved without anyone else the notoriety, status, and prizes. Rules for enrollment The rule for enrollment is reliant on the kind of individuals, in an open participation the improvement of the gathering relies upon the part turnover; new individuals incorporate quickly into the gathering in light of the fact that there are no limitations. As a representative working with the NGO there is an obligation to enable the open participation to bunch build up an unmistakable structure, thus the individuals investigate the motivation behind the gathering jobs of the laborer and every person who have a place with the gathering. The specialist most significant errand will be to enable the gathering to create elements that will empower advancement of the part's needs which may be socio-conservative. This will likewise upgrade encouraging achievement of the gathering undertakings. The primary assignment of the gathering is to comprehend and intercede in the connection designs and for the laborer to know that individuals are continually conveying at whatever point they are as o ne. There starts with a prologue to all the gathering individuals when the gathering starts to help every single gathering part know the undertaking where he/she is found. The minority individuals ought to have plentiful chance to add to the gathering and their perspective are deliberately thought of. I will encourage the gathering focused as opposed to the pioneer focused communication designs. As the individual responsible for the foundation and upkeep of compelling connection designs, I will be in a situation to acclimate with factors that can change correspondence examples, for example, signals and associations that individuals get for trades. There are securities that create between bunch individuals just as the subgroup that exist in the network recuperation and coordination gathering. This will help in picking the most suitable abilities to execute in directing the gathering, the assets that will be adequate enough for all the gathering individuals and distribute them to meet their particular need. The administration in the network put together projects is based with respect to power and status relationship. Enlistment of individuals This alludes to the individuals assessment and positioning in relativity to every single other individual from the gathering. This status is in part controlled by the people ability outside the gathering. My status as a representative is dictated by the office that is supporting this network recuperation gathering. The job of giving the chances to the low-status bunch individuals is urgent in this phase for them to be socially incorporated and accomplish higher status. Decent variety in the gathering Gathering society speaks to the convictions and the traditions additionally the customary perspective held in like manner by the gathering individuals. Multicultural contrasts sway on the social incorporation of the gathering individuals. The distinctions are set aside to benefit the network when all is said in done to have measures and techniques to be received in reacting to floods. The atmosphere condition influences all people regardless of the race, shading or social decent varieties. The rise of gathering society is because of various participation. The gathering is made out of people with various religion foundations, financial status and family arrangements which are different and one of a kind. The social coordination empowers individuals to have the option to fit in one love together, social request and the steadiness bring back the cohesiveness in the gathering since they are the requirements for the development and support of a strong gathering. Social joining will help i n building unanimity about the reason for objectives accomplishment and assist individuals with pushing ahead in an organized and the most proficient way. Baird said the pioneers ought to be in relation to recognize the primary explanation behind being picked to fill the initiative positions (Kabasir, 2008, p.176). The similarity with all the people in the arrangement and consistence is fundamental for cooperating and simultaneously consistency of activities. The normal qualities ought to be created and applied to the way of life of the gathering hence making a solid bond Size of the gathering The gathering has got sixty individuals in absolute that are completely selected in a reasonable procedure, the gathering is enormous and sort of awkward for nitty gritty work to be cultivated. This has required the requirement for subgroups to make the administration simpler and achievement of work. There is a period limit for the finishing of the main job in this manner the gathering individuals must profit themselves to be accessible consistently and give exemplary reactions when requested to contribute. The movement did is doling out individuals to specific subgroups to take a shot at a particular errand and take th
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Writing Argumentative Essay Topics
Writing Argumentative Essay TopicsWriting a document that you have prepared for a college or university may consist of various types of topics and argumentative essay topics. The following information will help you decide which one is suitable for your topic.When writing an essay, there are several important things that you need to remember. First of all, as you prepare for your assignment, you should study the subjects that you are going to write about. This will help you to have a clear picture of the particular topic you want to write about. This makes it easier for you to select the best topic.There are two things that you should consider when you are choosing the topic. One of them is your interest. Another thing that you need to consider is the specific field you are writing in. This will help you to select the best topic that you are able to tackle your assignment.The topics will include subjects that deal with topics such as literature, art, politics, business, education, and law. You should carefully read the topic description to find out what the author of the piece of writing is going to write about. Then, you should choose the topic based on the best way to tackle the subject. You can find out more about topics by reading the reviews from other people.You can also see various research papers to find out the exact type of topic that you should tackle your assignment. It is not a good idea to choose topics that are just about different parts of the world. When you choose these types of topics, you may end up getting lost on the actual content. To avoid this, you should choose topics that cover several parts of the world.When you select the topic, you should also think about the subject. Once you have chosen the topic, you need to think about how you will be addressing your point. You should also think about how you are going to discuss the subject. You can always choose the best way to do it by picking the topic that you find appealing and interesting .It is also important to know the specific information that you will be presenting. The content should be very concise, so that it can easily be understood by the reader. If the content is too long, then it will be hard for the reader to understand what you are trying to convey.In order to make sure that the essay that you will be writing will be understandable by the readers, you should keep in mind the basic fact that the topic that you are writing must be brief. It should only contain basic facts and information. Remember that an argumentative essay topic is different from a research paper because in a research paper, you have to present specific information that you gathered from the internet.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Academic Writing Service How to Develop Clarity and Focus
Academic Writing Service: How to Develop Clarity and Focus Academic writing are packed with details to support a topic. Typical sentence construction refers to a subject, an action, and supporting information. If you want to write an effective research paper you must choose the right way you arrange these elements. It can boost impact or, adversely, blur the point you intend to make. Topic sentences A topic sentence shows the main idea of a paragraph. After reading the topic sentence, we can predict supporting points and the paragraph is easy to follow. A strong topic sentence introduces the main point of the paragraph, and supporting information and examples follow. A weak topic sentence has no obvious link to supporting information, and the reader is left thinking, â€Å"How is all of this connected?†State main ideas first When you construct a sentence, you want to deliver your message without delay. Compare: Patience, understanding, and flexibility are necessary characteristics of a good educator. A good educator must be patient, understanding, and flexible. In a, the reader only knows who you are talking about when they reach the end of the sentence. When you start the sentence with the main idea, a good educator in this instance, the reader knows what to focus on, and they can make predictions about further details. Details and important information Assume that sentence a is a topic sentence. The paragraph would continue with evidence and reasons to support the characteristics patient, understanding, and flexible. This is important information, so it should end the sentence. Here is another example with the main idea at the start of the sentence and important information last: Freedom of speech is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), as well as the constitutions of many countries. In this example, the central idea is Freedom of Speech. Important details are the UDHR and the constitutions of many countries. The following sentences will expand on the latter, and the paragraph will progress logically. Notice use of the passive tense to keep the sentence concise. Which of these sentences is a better follow-up sentence? However, different levels of protection are offered by the constitutions of different countries. For example Countries offer different levels of protection, however. For example The second sentence places old information – countries – at the beginning of the sentence. New information appears later. The writer can then provide examples of different levels of protection, and the topic stays in focus. Sentence length An effective method to make important information stand out is to use it in a short independent sentence. For example: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, enshrines the freedom of expression. Almost every nation on the planet has signed it. In the example above we see: A central idea as a subject Important information at the end of the sentence An independent sentence to highlight an important fact Notice, too, the embedded clause adopted in 1948. This clause provides minor details. Embed a clause within a sentence with commas on either side of it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The First Step Towards Lasting Campaign Finance Reform
Final Paper: The First Step Towards Lasting Campaign Finance Reform â€Å"You don t put vote Bartlet in the ad, you can pay for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist if you want to.†- Bruno Gianelli (Fictional character, The West Wing, S03E06, â€Å"Gone Quiet†)1 Debates about the just and proper financing of campaigns for public office can be traced as far back as the Federalist Papers. On one side are those that believe any restriction in the frequency or amount of individual, corporate or union donations is an unconstitutional assault on the freedom of (political) expression guaranteed by the First Amendment. On the other side are those that worry about the fair stewardship of elections. Do those with the means to make more†¦show more content†¦According to, â€Å"Super PACs may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, associations and individuals, then spend unlimited sums to overtly advocate for or against political candidates. Super PACs must, however, report their donors to the Federal Election Commission on a monthly or quarterly basis -- the Super PAC s choice -- as a traditional PAC would. Unlike traditional PACs, Super PACs are prohibited from donating money directly to political candidates.†2 While Super PACs do need to make financial disclosures to the FEC on a monthly basis, their ability to take donations from corporations leaves them amble room to leave the names of their end donors undisclosed. Many Super PACs report donations as coming from one or multiple 501(c)(4) (politically active non-profit) organizations that do not have to disclose their donors. This is referred to as the Russian nesting doll problem†among campaign finance reform advocates. It is worth noting that the rise of Super PACs and other forms of unregulated campaign spending is of concern to politicians too. President Obama, as part of his 2010 State of the Union Address, said, â€Å"With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests –- including foreign corporations –- to spend without limit in our elections. I don t think American elections should be
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